CriticaL Friendship
Critical friendship is an authentic leadership process that grows one’s efficacy to support the needs of both members as whole beings and the communities they serve. Using an ethic of care, critical friendships are meaningful professional relationships that empower members to fulfil their capacity, problem solve, and continue to strive in their careers.
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Leading Ethical Practice Through Authentic Relationships
What if we told you the way to start is through friendship. In one way, critical friendship is the simplest approach to seeing change in our world, and in another way, it is so difficult that doing it well and widespread would be revolutionary.
Critical Friendship Workshops
Silver Workshop

Our Critical Friendship Silver Workshop offers an overview of critical friendship, how critical friendship can be a model to support ethical practice in education, and ways to implement critical friendship.
Gold Workshop

Gold Workshop offers an in-depth discovery of critical friendship, how critical friendship can be a model to support ethical practice in education, ways to implement and develop critical friendship, and includes reflective experiences to support their practice.
Platinum Leadership Series

Our Critical Friendship Platinum Leadership Series offers an in-depth discovery of critical friendship, how critical friendship can be a model to support ethical practice in education, ways to implement and develop critical friendship, and includes reflective experiences to support educator practice.
Critical Friendship
Critical friendship is a form of professional development where two people who have an understanding of each others’ work contexts develop a friendship that spans the workplace and beyond. Within a critical friendship, members are trusted to listen, be vulnerable about the workplace challenges they face, and seek compassionate responses from their critical friend.
Critical friendship is a research-based practice recognized by the Ministry of Education and can be implemented successfully across the field of education.
Critical friendship empowers educators’ growth by actively demonstrating the possibilities of what can be achieved together. Our critical friendship programs develop the critical friend within each educator, prepare educators to engage in critical friendships, and support educators in becoming the leader they strive to be.